17 April 2007

22/4/07 Poorly boy on the mend.

Just spent a few hours with him and he's improved loads (amazing what a night of intravenous drugs can do) He is able to talk now and swallow. Last night he could only whisper and could barely swallow water. He's eaten lunch which is fab. He's got to stay in at least till tomorrow having the drugs. No definate diagnosis as yet but they pretty sure he has glandular fever amoungst other things.I feel so guilty. I'm the sort who never makes a fuss when the kids are ill and packs them off to school unless they are vomiting and although I didn't make him go to school and have been feeding him cup a soups I probably haven't been too sympathetic. In fact I admit I was getting pissed of that it was taking so long for him to get better. I just didn't realise how ill he was. It was dh who called the ambulance when he got in last night. I never would have done that! But so glad he did.I took ds some marshmallows, revels, lucazade, yop drinking yogurt hubba bubba and 'shoot magazine which hopefully make up for my inadequicies SP? in the florence nightingale department. Of course if I was agood mum I would have taken fruit, smoothies, vitamins and homework! lol

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