26 April 2007

Cloth Nappy Enquiries

In the last few weeks cloth nappy interest has really taken off which is super. I love meeting new and nearly new mums and showing them my range of nappies. They are always so amazed to see poppers, velcro, funky patterns and cute designs. It's amazing how many people think that all you can get are white variations of terry towelling type things and that they need soaking (no!) napisan (no!) boiling (no!) and washing in a seperate load (no!). It's all easy peasy lemony squeezy these days. If I can do it anyone can. You'll have to contact me if you want to know how it's done in these enlightened times.

And finally at last I have had one response from an advert that I placed in a parenting magazine that cost me £200!!!! The mag has been out since march and is distributed to all the local parenting haunts ie indoor play areas and restaurants etc and this is my first respose. It's not a sale as yet just an enquiry but I live in hope.

My clothes rail arrived yesterday for my fair trade clothes which I'm so excited about. I can't wait to see what the general opinion will be. I just need to get the party bookings as they're a bit lean at the moment as I haven't really pushed them recently.

I ordered some more soap pods for my laundry from different company which arrived yesterday and I hadn't realised that with this particular lot you have to bash them with a rolling pin to break them up. At first I thought it would be a big hassle and that I wouldn't order this particular brand again but woohoooo I cannot recommend highly enough a couple of minutes of bashing something with a rolling pin! What a stress relief, hold me back. Now I just want more so I can have a bit of therapuatic rolling pin bashing!