17 May 2007


So for those of you who are in the know which would be all my family, friends and truly green people, if I tell you that I spent most of yesterday in the local student union common room telling people about the mooncup you will sympathise with my mission. and when I say poeople I mean young, old, male and female. Duncan (who runs the student union) took great joy in sending people in to ask me what a mooncup was to which I then had to start explaining the virtues of a menstrual cup to some very grossed out people who I'd never met before (cheers Duncan!)

Quite bizzarely the people over thirty and the young lads weren't too bothered, in fact I'd go so far as to say some were positively interested and thought the mooncup was a fab idea. The strangest thing was that the young girls looked at me as if I was from another planet or worse! They really just didn't get it at all. They weren't interested in the environmental damage that sanitory protection cause at all nor the huge monetry saving to be had after investing in a mooncup. As soon as I explained what it was they would start to pull faces and turn visibly paler. Perhaps I'm just a bit too full on and descriptive for most people (I'm not known for being the shy easily embarrased type) Or maybe young girls aren't as comfortable with their bodies as I'd like to think. Perhaps it's only after you've given birth that you loose those sort of inhibitions about normal bodily functions.

Thankfully I wasn't just there to promote mooncups and I actually did manage to sell a few bits and bobs (though sadly no mooncups) and chat to people about easy changes they can make to become 'greener'.

So it's fair to say that the mooncup is not an easy thing to talk about but especially to young girls!