12 November 2007

Yummy lemon curd

I made lemon curd in my slow cooker over the weekend and it's yummy and was so easy to do
http://www.cookuk.co.uk/jams/homemade-lemon-curd.htm although it did turn out a bit runny.
The slow cooker has been given pride of place on the kitchen side board again after being stowed away for the summer. So far this month I've done a roast chicken, gammon in apple juice and beef casserole with dumplings. I'm going to tackle puddings next week.
I'm having a dinner party for 8 people (gulp!!) on saturday evening and have decided on a theme of traditional British comfort food. I'll be doing home made potato and leek soup, beef casserole with dumplings in the slow cooker and jam suet pudding. It's all easy which gives me plenty of time to socialise and knock back a few glasses of vino!

My log fire

It's fair to say that winter isn't my favourite time of year and once the clocks go back I just want to hibernate but failing that chocolate (lots of it), casseroles with dumplings (lots of them), and red wine (not too much of it) tend to lift my spirits somewhat.

But best of all I love my log fire. It's not just the sitting in front of it that I love but I also enjoy setting it all up and lighting it which I find rather therapeutic. I just love the smell of the logs burning and the memories it evokes of childhood weekends spent at my grandparents and watching grandad light the fire and then warming myself up after a bath in front of it.

For some reason I find watching a real fire so relaxing and calming. Am I the only one do you think?

Vomit and faeces in equal measures

Oh blimey what a weekend! Firstly the littlest one of my children threw up on Friday at mum and toddler group closely followed by another little girl (dropping like flies by the time I left). Surely a sickness bug can't be caught that quickly?!?, must try not to feel guilty. Aforementioned child continued to throw up all through the weekend on bedding, carpet, clothes and various toys and is still throwing up today so no preschool. Being the selfish mum that I am, the no preschool bit fills me with real dissapointment as I have loads to do with xmas only 6 weeks away.

Just to make sure my nerves were right there on the edge the cat had diarrhoea two nights running on the kitchen floor (fireworks grrr!) and eldest son trod dog poo all through the house on sunday.
Now as you can imagine my first impulse aside from running away is to nip to the shops and buy lots of nasty chemical antibacterial cleaners etc to deal with the onslaught of nasty messes but I restrained myself and reminded myself of all the bad things I know about antibacterial products http://www.life.ca/nl/107/soap.html and have a rummage in my utility room of all things green(ish) and decide on tea tree which is naturally antibacterial but must still be used sparingly, some castile soap and plenty of elbow grease.
I have to admit that my devotion to green cleaning has been sorely tested over the weekend yet it's also rather liberating to know that I really can get by without cleaners laden with carcinagenic chemicals even when faced with the horrors I've faced this weekend.