10 June 2007

Chicken pox!

Phewww what a shocking week. On monday the littlest one in the family who's 2 and half years old came out in a few chicken pox spots and I foolishly thought we might have escaped without too many spots but they kept coming thick and fast till friday so I decided to take her to the gp which I wouldn't normally do for chicken pox but believe me she was covered. She had spots inside her ears, eyes, nose, all over her scalp, face and body, behind her knees and in her mini and bottom. She was such a sorry state and all the homeapathic, natural rememdies just weren't stopping the spots coming, they were simply easing the syptoms. The gp said she had the worse case he had ever seen and prescribed phenergen (antihistamine) and liquid zovirax (herpes and coldsore treatment) so she started on them on thurs after a rather traumatic wait in the chemist which is another story.
At the same I started her on a rather strange product called colloidal silver kindly lent to me to try by Natalie www.herbsfromheaven.co.uk which I have been giving her mixed with her drink in the morning and also mixed with some organic aloe vera and smothered all over her spots after a bath of oatmeal, full fat milk and lavender oil. I have to say that by the next day there was a huge improvment but of course it's hard to say which worked best or whether it was a combination of everything.
At the same time the middle child also came out in chicken pox spots on weds but his have been much more managable and nowhere near as bad. The only downside is that he can't go to school till they all scab over.
So I have been under virtual house arrest since monday and going a bit stir crazy until I finally got a social invite from my sister who's kids have all had chicken pox. See above.